For years, eating according to scientists, PLANTS are healthier than meats, but since the 25 year China Study published in 2002, and the September NEJM latest Nurses Health Study, there has been no doubt about it. MEATS (bovine, sheep, pork, goat) SHOULD BE EATEN IN MODERATION OR NOT AT ALL depending on one's genetics particularly the APO-E. Poultry and principally fish are indeed good sources of protein. When eating the bulk of this plan, which is the vegetables, it should be the leaves, flower, and stems rather than the roots and fruits that should be consumed. Nutrient Density is an important concept in recommending dietary advice. Not merely vitamins and minerals, but adequate consumption of phytochemicals is essential for proper functioning of the immune system and to enable our body’s detoxification and cellular repair mechanisms that protect us from gaining fat and the consequences of chronic disease. To guide people toward the most nutrient dense foods, a scoring system called ANDI (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index), or HANDY ANDI, which ranks foods based on their ratio of nutrients to calories, was developed by Dr Joel Fuhman. The following index and pyramid is taken directly from his Website www.drfuhrman.com/library/article17.aspx.
Nutritional science has demonstrated that colorful plant foods contain a huge assortment of protective compounds, mostly of which still remain unnamed. Only by eating an assortment of nutrient-rich natural foods can we access these protective
compounds and prevent disease and obesity that afflict our current civilization. We need the whole orchestra, not just the woodwinds to make Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony sound wonderful. That is why multi-supplement pills do not work.
FISH contain Omega 3s which increases insulin sensitivity in the muscle, and preserves the production in the pancreas. The Omega 3s should come from farmed Salmon which has 6,000 mg per 6 0z severing compared to the wild with 4,500. If these came from Chile, Scandinavia, British Columbia, or Australia, they are without pollution compared to Asian farmed salmon. Wild fish are not richer in omega-3 fish oils than farm-raised varieties. Farm-raised fish such as salmon and trout won't grow without omega-3 fatty acids in their diet, so fish farmers add it to the fish- meal. Farmed catfish and tilapia, however, do not need omega-3 fatty acids, so these farm-raised fish have little or no omega-3s. In the wild, fish get their omega-3s from algae, plankton and other fish that they may eat.
Escolar (Ivory Tuna) has even more omega 3s. This essential fat should be consumed as the working DHA and/or EPA rather than ALA, a precursor of the active form that many of us cannot convert to EPA and DHA. If eating salmon, daily is too much, obtain it as a liquid. One tablespoon has 6000mg needed. I put it in my smoothie. Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids decrease risk of arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeats), which can lead to sudden death. Omega-3 fatty acids also decrease triglyceride levels, raise the super good cholesterol (HDL-2), slow growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque, and lower blood pressure. Fish is also a good source of protein and unlike fatty meat products it’s not high in saturated fat. Although having a bad reputation in the past are the tropical oils (palm kernel, palm, and coconut) which are saturated fats, but are metabolized to Medium chain triglycerides that produce healthy nutritional ketosis. These protect our blood vessels, do not go into our fat cells and are used by our body to enhance the functioning of our heart and skeletal muscle as well as our neurons.
Some types of fish may contain high levels of mercury, PCBs, dioxins and other environmental contaminants. Levels of these substances are generally highest in older, larger predatory fish. Avoid eating those fish with the potential for the highest level of mercury contamination (e.g., shark, swordfish, king mackerel or tilefish). Eat a variety of fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury i.e.: Escolar, Salmon, canned light Tuna, Pollock (in artificial shell fish like crab), and catfish. Albacore ("white") tuna has more mercury than canned. Check local advisories about the safety of fish caught by us as well as family and friends from local lakes, rivers and coastal areas. Perchlorate, an ingredient in rocket fuel, has infiltrated 80% of our inland farm streams and ponds. It is a thyroid receptor inhibiter causing low thyroid in millions of folks who docs are telling them there is nothing wrong with them. This (Type II) Hypothyroid does not show up on any of the blood studies we do but does on the old fashion BMR (Basic Metabolism Rate) which are done by only a handful of physicians in our modern highly technical medical society.
In summary a non red meat, fish and high nutrient dense vegetable-based diet offers a diet healthy protein, high Omega 3s as well as low refined carbohydrates. This program emphasizes a liberal intake of vegetables, some beans, a few tree nuts, but low in high glycemic fruits and minimal grains and almost no bad carbs (sugar and starch). Weight loss is sustained in patients who followed this and even more substantial in those who have good adherence to these recommendations. Favorable changes in the lipid profile and blood pressure are noted. In fact in our successful patients who were hypertensive, diabetic, and had bad lipids, we were able to “cure” them of their disease and stop all their medications! This diet then has the potential to provide sustainable, and significant, long-term weight loss, and provides substantial lowering of cardiac risk and potential disabilities in patients who are so motivated.
Nutritional science has demonstrated that colorful plant foods contain a huge assortment of protective compounds, mostly of which still remain unnamed. Only by eating an assortment of nutrient-rich natural foods can we access these protective
compounds and prevent disease and obesity that afflict our current civilization. We need the whole orchestra, not just the woodwinds to make Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony sound wonderful. That is why multi-supplement pills do not work.
FISH contain Omega 3s which increases insulin sensitivity in the muscle, and preserves the production in the pancreas. The Omega 3s should come from farmed Salmon which has 6,000 mg per 6 0z severing compared to the wild with 4,500. If these came from Chile, Scandinavia, British Columbia, or Australia, they are without pollution compared to Asian farmed salmon. Wild fish are not richer in omega-3 fish oils than farm-raised varieties. Farm-raised fish such as salmon and trout won't grow without omega-3 fatty acids in their diet, so fish farmers add it to the fish- meal. Farmed catfish and tilapia, however, do not need omega-3 fatty acids, so these farm-raised fish have little or no omega-3s. In the wild, fish get their omega-3s from algae, plankton and other fish that they may eat.
Escolar (Ivory Tuna) has even more omega 3s. This essential fat should be consumed as the working DHA and/or EPA rather than ALA, a precursor of the active form that many of us cannot convert to EPA and DHA. If eating salmon, daily is too much, obtain it as a liquid. One tablespoon has 6000mg needed. I put it in my smoothie. Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids decrease risk of arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeats), which can lead to sudden death. Omega-3 fatty acids also decrease triglyceride levels, raise the super good cholesterol (HDL-2), slow growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque, and lower blood pressure. Fish is also a good source of protein and unlike fatty meat products it’s not high in saturated fat. Although having a bad reputation in the past are the tropical oils (palm kernel, palm, and coconut) which are saturated fats, but are metabolized to Medium chain triglycerides that produce healthy nutritional ketosis. These protect our blood vessels, do not go into our fat cells and are used by our body to enhance the functioning of our heart and skeletal muscle as well as our neurons.
Some types of fish may contain high levels of mercury, PCBs, dioxins and other environmental contaminants. Levels of these substances are generally highest in older, larger predatory fish. Avoid eating those fish with the potential for the highest level of mercury contamination (e.g., shark, swordfish, king mackerel or tilefish). Eat a variety of fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury i.e.: Escolar, Salmon, canned light Tuna, Pollock (in artificial shell fish like crab), and catfish. Albacore ("white") tuna has more mercury than canned. Check local advisories about the safety of fish caught by us as well as family and friends from local lakes, rivers and coastal areas. Perchlorate, an ingredient in rocket fuel, has infiltrated 80% of our inland farm streams and ponds. It is a thyroid receptor inhibiter causing low thyroid in millions of folks who docs are telling them there is nothing wrong with them. This (Type II) Hypothyroid does not show up on any of the blood studies we do but does on the old fashion BMR (Basic Metabolism Rate) which are done by only a handful of physicians in our modern highly technical medical society.
In summary a non red meat, fish and high nutrient dense vegetable-based diet offers a diet healthy protein, high Omega 3s as well as low refined carbohydrates. This program emphasizes a liberal intake of vegetables, some beans, a few tree nuts, but low in high glycemic fruits and minimal grains and almost no bad carbs (sugar and starch). Weight loss is sustained in patients who followed this and even more substantial in those who have good adherence to these recommendations. Favorable changes in the lipid profile and blood pressure are noted. In fact in our successful patients who were hypertensive, diabetic, and had bad lipids, we were able to “cure” them of their disease and stop all their medications! This diet then has the potential to provide sustainable, and significant, long-term weight loss, and provides substantial lowering of cardiac risk and potential disabilities in patients who are so motivated.