Friday, December 31, 2010


Make yourself a New Years Resolution. Don’t be a Lout eat THIS Sprout. Edible sprouts are germinated plant seeds. They are usually produced by soaking the seeds at regular intervals over a 4-10 day interval. Broccoli sprouts are highly nutritious with magnesium, chlorophyll and rich in enzymes and electrons which promote good health as mitochondrial enhancer and antioxidandants. Studies of compounds in broccoli sprouts have been shown to reduce the risk of prostate, breast, liver, stomach, bladder and colon cancer and to act as an anti-bacterial agent against Helicobacter pylori, an organism associated with causing duodenal ulcers. Also broccoli sprouts decreases the risk of stroke, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease as well as osteoarthritis.

Research has shown that broccoli sprouts are rich in glucoraphanin, a compound that when eaten is converted in our body into Sulforaphane ((sul-FOR-a-fane) glucosinolate, which is a “phase II inducer”. In 1997, Paul Talalay, Ph.D who founded the Brassica Chemoprotection Laboratory, at Johns Hopkins identified chemo protective nutrients and finding ways to maximize their effect. Also in a study funded by the British Heart Foundation discovered sulforaphane could "switch on" a protective protein which is inactive in parts of the arteries vulnerable to plaque formation. Scientists already know that arteries don't clog up in a uniform way, but that there are bends and branches of blood vessels in which blood flow is disrupted (turbulance) and are much more prone to the build-up of fatty plaques that cause heart disease. In the more vulnerable areas, a normally protective protein known as Nrf2 is inactive. Sulforaphane protects those regions by switching on the Nrf2.

Brassica is a plant in the genus of the mustard family, and includes in addition to broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, cauliflower and turnips. Three-day-old broccoli sprouts contained more than a 40 times higher concentration of the protective molecule than mature broccoli. In Addition cooking destroys three quarters of the active compound. Eating a few tablespoons of the sprouts daily can supply the same degree of cancer and vascular protection as 20 pounds cooked broccoli eaten weekly.

Broccoli sprouts can be frequently obtained at Health Food stores or in concentrated juices or capsules, but they may not be as good as producing this fantastic food yourself and eating them fresh. The seed and sprouting trays are easily obtained and the growing initiated by soaking 4 tablespoons in a 8 oz jar of water overnight. (about 8 hours). Pour the soaked seeds onto the sprouting tray. These trays and the organic seeds can be purchased at most Health Food Stores and on line such as the Cover the tray so the enclosure provides a greenhouse effect. Rinse by showering the seeds with fresh water twice per day. Try not to dislodge the seeds with the force of the rinse water. Allow the seedlings to root themselves into the small holes of the growing tray. Keep the tray away from strong light for the first 4 days, then move to a brighter area, avoiding direct sunlight and heat. In 3 to 4 more days they will be green and ready to harvest. Pluck from the surface to allow the younger sprouts to continue to grow. In the next 3 days, they should all be sprouted. With prayer and luck you should have 2 pounds of health from them. They can be used in cooking and as sauces, they are healthier used as salads or in sandwiches made with Red Cabbage leaves or Kale rather than bread. Do yourself a healthy favor and you will be well rewarded well beyond the minimal work it takes to eat this wonderful delicacy that will add life onto your years and years onto your life!

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